Monday, October 22, 2012

This Coming From A Girl Who Skipped Every Day of 2nd Grade...

            The course load at Framingham State has really got me thinking about how much effort I put into my academics. I hardly do any homework and take an hour to write a 6 page paper simply because....I can. I'm not saying that I am a genius (although true) it is just that these courses, and this institution are not that demanding. I know this may seem really odd that I am complaining about the lack of work but I figure that if I am paying $20,000 I want to make it count.
            I can imagine that the workload when I get to Salem State will be more up to par with what I am used to. However, this has also gotten me thinking that maybe I need to step it up when it comes to school. I'm not at AU anymore, and while just having a college degree is amazing, it is not going to carry as much weight at a school like GW, which I jut can't afford. That being said- I think I have a way to remedy that.
           Right now I am an English major and secondary education minor. Cool. But now I am also really interested in communications and more specifically things like public relations. So I was thinking of double majoring in English and communications with a minor in secondary education. But here's where it gets even better. Since I was looking at all of my courses and stuff I realized that once I get to Salem I am two credits away from an italian minor as well.

         The real trouble is that I am kind of equally attached to all of these subjects and I don't want to let any of them go. The problem is that I don't know where I have transferred so much that I have so much catching up to do that I can't accomplish this by Spring 2015 even with 2 summer semesters.
         That is my other concern as well. What if I spend just as much money on these extra courses than I would have for one degree from American...

But I think that this would be a really good thing for me. Keep me busy, let me have plenty of options. At orientation I'm going to see if this is even in the realm of possibility but I'm ready for a challenge

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Repercussions of the Rumble

   For the 4 people in the world that didn't get the memo- Jon Stewart had a debate with Bill O'reilly last Saturday. Being that avid Stewart fan that I am, I faithfully paid my $4.95 to tune in.
   Watching the event solidified two things for me.
         Jon Stewart is an absolute genius and I consider myself privileged to be a pupil from afar.
         People like Bill O'reilly exist in this world.

     Within these two realizations I felt an immense amount of disgust and frustration but also a plethora of pride and hope. And what I think is really difficult and great is that I have to decide which one is going to push me forward. And luckily I want to lend my energy towards work like what Jon Stewart does. I want to create change on a huge scale. I honestly believe that I am meant to be important. (A side note to you all- when we celebrate my 30th year of service to the Melrose Public Library, please remind me of the previous statement.) But I want to write for the Daily Show, I want to be a comedian, I want to write a book, I want to be in a movie, I want to be a household name so that I can spread awareness and make this world better for Christ's sake.

     This is a rather unfortunate turn of events for me. I had just of late convinced myself that I could be completely content with my life by just being a high school English teacher. And on some level that is something that I am passionate about and what I partly want to do with my life. I think that would be just as noble as what Jon Stewart does. I would be responsible for evening the playing field for America's youth. Maybe the country doesn't need a big flashy hero, but a community that works together.

But then again, I am an attention whore...

Friday, September 21, 2012

How Old is Too Old?

So remember the guy, Griffin, from my Lit Study class? And how much I liked him? Well we have a few problems.

1. I have no clue how old he is, but the more I talk to him and look at him; I'm thinking he is up somewhere around 28-30. Possibly. And that is too old, even for me. Which is really unfortunate because I really do like him because we are a lot alike. Although our similarities brings me to problem number 2.

2. He is a huge flirt. I can't really say anything bad about someone being a flirt because I love being a flirt. Whether I am in to a guy or not, I will flirt with him. However, I don't find this a particularly attractive trait in a guy. I should clarify, in my guy. I am a fiery personality and while it can be really good, it can also be really bad. I get extremely jealous when it comes to romantic relationships. I would not be able to handle him flirting with our entire class like he does. He is definitely charming, but he's not prince charming :(

Monday, September 17, 2012

Maybe Framingham Doesn't Completely Suck

      Because I am a Chiara copycat and I really don't want to write my speech for public speaking, so I am going to give you guys a rundown of my schedule.

U.S. History to Reconstruction- (8:30 am - 10:20 am)
          Here we have your run of the mill history class. You go, you sit, you listen to how America came to be, you leave. And that is part of the problem. It is very boring. Most of this stuff is just a review from every U.S. history class ever so I'm not worried about not understanding things, just about falling asleep in class. My professor is this really nerdy, but nice guy from New York. He reminds a lot of Mark from the musical Rent. I just don't have the attention span for his class.

Literary Study of Langston Hughes- (11:30 - 12:20)
What can I say about this class...Better yet, where should I start? The professor is a really nice guy, I'd say late 20's to mid-30's, possibly gay. He said that he has been teaching for a few years but this seemed like his first class ever. Although, the people in the class don't help matters. While the topics we are discussing right now are a bit abstract, I am beginning to think these girls are just plain stupid. And yes, I did say girls, but we will address that in a minute. This is definitely no AU class. There, I could barely keep up with what the professor was saying, let alone form my own opinions to share. In this class, I raise my hand at least once a class. I feel wicked smaht. Not to be offensive but it's kind of like going from the major leagues to playing t-ball in the park. 
Now, on to the estrogen fest. My class consists of 18 or so girls. Oddly enough 18 is also each of their IQs. I kid, I kid. It's collectively 18. Anyway, there is one guy in the class. He wasn't originally supposed to be in the class. It was meant to be. Since we are the only two with more than a fourth of a brain, we got to work together for some group work (it could have also been the fact that he sits right behind me and there was an uneven number of people there for the other groups of three, but I digress) Because we are geniuses, we finished our work early, we got to talk for a bit. He is technically a sophomore because he took some time off to play music. He is very sarcastic and has a great sense of humor. He’s not too bad to look at either, in an unconventional way. As I said he usually sits behind me. Well today a girl was in his seat. I was very angry at this random stranger for cock-blocking me in such a manner. Subsequently, he had to sit behind her. That is until he came and sat right next to me!!!! I know I am acting like a giddy school girl and it is just as weird for me as it is for you. But I’ll keep you guys posted if anything happens with us. Fingers crossed!!

Introduction to Human Biology (12:30 - 1:20)
          Same as history, pretty straight forward bio lecture. My professor is fucking hilarious though. He hates republicans, twilight, and the hunger games. Even better than his snarky comments, is that he is really really really really good teacher, which is wicked important because it’s fucking science. The occasional dumbass freshman biddy is sprinkled in, of course. But all in all I can’t complain.

Effective Speaking (8:30 – 10:20)
          This class…this professor…She is extremely conservative and ery particular. We had to give speeches on our favorite quotes and I have no idea what I said for the 3 minutes that I was up there. My professor said that I was very impassioned…I hope that was a compliment. Our next speech has to be about someone who has impacted our lives. But on a more important note, prince charming #2 is in this class. He sat next to me willingly on the first day. The next class we had a pop quiz and she let us review for a few minutes. He still didn’t have a book so I let him use mine because I had my notes. After the quiz he thanked me profusely and after my train wreck of a speech he told me what a great job I had done. I know that he is just a flirt but it is nice practice for Mr. Lit Study who I could actually see going somewhere.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ode to Framingham State University

Ode to Framingham State University

Oh Framingham, how I despise thee
Though most things are a let down after living in D.C
Still, this hilly campus is far from fine
With no nightlife or museums, only Route 9

I used to take six classes, and now only four
In a place so remote, I need less free time, not more
Can't get a job to fill my day
Because only kids with a work study get the pay

Perhaps I just need to give it a chance
However, I hate most of it at first glance
I just have to breathe and be reminded
that the only way I'll survive is to be open minded

So that's what I'll do, at least this semester
And not let my negativity and depression fester
At least on the ninth floor I'll be the first to know
Whenever it starts to rain, hail, or fucking snow

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's Like Prom But Worse. So Much Worse

Ok, so remember the Georgetown football player I hooked up with? Me neither. But me and my big mouth said that I would be his date for a banquet thing tonight. I am going to be sick.

No. I can do this. I am taking life as it comes now, right? Ok.It's just one night. One nights are my specialty. Besides, who doesn't want free food and dancing? Or a chance to get dressed up. Kristina is helping me "get gorgeous." Apparently as of right now I am an "unfortunate washout." Her words, not mine. 

Then I have to run over to Luca's for the "game plan" which in retrospect seems stupid because I'm sure... Daryl.... Daren....something to that effect is a really nice guy. I think Luca is just being overprotective. 

Now the only question is- what do I wear? Good thing I haven't packed yet.

Aaron! His name is Aaron. Better write that down...

Monday, April 30, 2012

This is Better than Christmas!

We are officially in the single digit countdown!! I have literally been waiting for this since Aug. 30th. 7 more days and I will be home for the summer!!!

Turns out the reason I haven't received my acceptance letter from Framingham is because they can't decide until I send them my spring transcripts...Are you kidding me? I guess they have to make sure that I don't fail this semester but, c'mon! I probably won't get housing now, so that's great. Not sure about classes either.

I am working on my Disney documentary but it is really difficult. Every time I analyze a clip it just makes me want to watch the whole movie. Oh good old childhood.

I also have to write my paper about community psychology and humor...yeah. Ok, I'll get right on that...later.

I realized that this summer I don't need a vacation. I need an adventure. Of epic proportions. So much of my life has been drama and quite frankly, I am sick of it. I am ready for camping, karaoke, summer flings, days spent at the beach and just taking life as it comes. No more stressing. What's done is done. No amount of agonizing or over analyzing is going to change that.

Now the real question I start a new blog...I am kind of attached to the title...maybe I will do different installments within it. Hmm...decisions decisions.

My theme song for the summer-

Get ready ;)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Oh my god. My roommates constant skyping has bothered me all year but I am literally at my wits end. I have been telling her all day how much work I have and that I need to concentrate. She has been skyping since 3. I tried to go to the study room but it was full because it is close to finals. The lounge is showing some sports game so it isn't an ideal place. I went outside, it is beautiful out anyway. The wind blew my papers away and there is no internet connection. Perfect. So I am stuck in my room with the constant Ukranian  and  shrill laughter. 15 more days. 15 more days.
     I have four more major projects that are going to kill me. First of all I have to give a presentation in Italian. 5 minutes max. Honestly it isn't going to be that hard, it is just that I have so much other stuff that I am nervous about that it is spilling over into that too. Next I have to make a movie for my sociology class. This I actually semi enjoy. But Windows Movie Maker is driving me crazy. I add a clip or a track of music and ALL of the other music disappears. I have no idea why or where it goes. If any one has some insight please let me know. Next I have a five page paper for my college writing seminar. It is really just annoying busy work but the professor is such a harsh grader. And finally the project that is going to keep me up at night. My Shakespeare paper. I am turning Taming of the Shrew into an Epic. It has to be roughly ten pages. I am not to worried about the is the content. I am freaking.
    But I can't concentrate on anything with Kristina talking non-stop. I have blown out my headphones trying to play music louder than her voice. I may blow up at her soon. How can she be so inconsiderate?

Monday, April 16, 2012

An Unexpected House Guest...

So a while back my roommate asked if I wanted to house a prospective student in April. At the time I was like "Hell no! We are going to be so bogged down in work that is the last thing we need." Turns out it didn't matter because she had already sent in the application. Luckily she had a change of heart shortly after and decided she didn't want to host someone either. However, instead of responding to the woman's emails about the not being able to do this, she maturely ignored them.

So last Saturday she gets an email saying that we are housing someone on Monday. I could have literally strangled her. My prediction had come true and we are up to our eyeballs in work. Not to mention she has nowhere for the poor girl to sleep. She decided that she would just give the girl her bed. I tried to explain that in  America we really don't do that. I don't know if this is actually true or not but my roommates side of the room (as well as my roommate) smells like wet dog. Extensive cleaning on my part has not rid our room of this stench so it is all her. So this poor girl has no place to sleep in a room that smells like a pound with a crazy Ukrainian girl. Great first impression.

So of course, I'll have to come in and save the day...somehow. Like I don't have enough on my plate. Lemme go get my cape. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Uneasy Sigh of Relief

     I'm hoping you guys can see this. I had to change the settings of the blog for a while because in my college writing seminar we had to make a comedy blog and I didn't feel the need to have my classmates and professor see me personal. And if they did...well, this is awkward. Anyway...I got a letter in the mail on Monday. It was from "the dean of admissions" at FSU. Turns out they are "allowing" me to roll my application. How kind. I still don't know if I have housing but at this point I don't even care. At least I am going somewhere. I hope. Oh my god, what if they don't accept me? I have been so cocky about that aspect I wouldn't be surprised if the universe took this opportunity to smack me with the humility stick.
   I'm not going to worry about it. I can't. I will drive myself crazy with all of the "what ifs."
   BUT SUMMER IS SO RIDICULOUSLY CLOSE!!!! I really cannot wait. The drive home from DC is going to be the best 10 hour car ride ever because I know every mile will be worth my wile. If you did not read that last part in Hercules' voice, you have no soul, just saying.
   I was seriously contemplating beginning the packing process last night but then I had to succumb to the fact that it may be to early for that...........but not by much.
Now I am listening to my Disney channel on Pandora and am attempting to write my Italian and Shakespeare papers. But all I really wanna do is get up and dance and sing Hakuna Matata, but you know.............neighbors.